In all ages entering into holy souls, she (Wisdom) maketh them friends of God, and prophets. --
Wisdom of Solomon vii.27
Meanwhile with every son and saint of Thine
Along the glorious line,
Sitting by turns beneath Thy sacred feet
We'll hold communion sweet,
Know them by look and voice, and thank them all
For helping us in thrall,
For words of hope, and bright examples given
To show through moonless skies that there is light in
J. Keble
IF we cannot live at once and alone with Him, we may at lease live with those who have lived with Him; and find, in our admiring love for their purity, their truth, their goodness, and intercession with His pity on our behalf. To study the lives, to meditate the sorrows, to commune with the thoughts, of the great and holy men and women of this rich world, is a sacred discipline, which deserves at least to rank as the forecourt of the temple of true worship, and may train the tastes, ere we pass the very gate, of heaven. We forfeit the chief source of dignity and sweetness in life, next to the direct communion with God,if we do not seek converse with the greater minds that have left their vestiges on the world.
J. Martineau
Do not think it wasted time to submit yourself to any influence which may bring upon you any noble feeling.
이화 동창지 영문과소식 - 이번 여름에 출범한 33대 영학회에서는 내년 영문과 백주년기념을 위한 사업의 일환으로 사회 여러 분야에서 활동하는 영학회 동문 간담회를 주최하였다. 건강한 줄기세포 하나가 여러 기능을 하는 우수한 장기로 분화발전되듯 이화영문라는 줄기세포는 우리 나라의 중요 혈맥으로 곳곳에 뻗어나아왔다. 식민지와 전쟁과 산업화와 민주화의 진통을 겪어내며 오늘 날 K 한류를 만들어 내는 이화영문의 역사가 동창 간담회에서 다시 보기로 재생되는 감동이 무더위를 제압하며 올라왔다. 다음은 성사된 간담회 내용이다.