The Violet > 자유게시판

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The Violet


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우리네야 벗꽃과 개나리와 목련으로 봄이 온 것을 알게 되지만
그 속에 제비꽃도 넣어주세요. 그 겸양의 아름다움을 위하여,

                  The Violet
                                        Jane Taylor(1783-1824)

    Down in a green and shady bed
        A modest violet grew;
    Its stalk was bent, it hung its head,
        As if to hide from view.

    And yet it was a lovely flower,
        Its colors bright and fair;
    It might have graced a rosy bower,
        Instead of hiding there.

    Yet there it was content to bloom,
        In modest tints arrayed;
    And there it spreads its sweet perfume,
        Within the silent shade.

    Then let me to the valley go,
        This pretty flower to see;
    That I may also learn to grow
        In sweet humility.

Note: graced=아름답게 하다


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