Bless my father's New World > 1969년 졸업

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Bless my father's New World

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kyungaileekim 메일보내기 이름으로 검색 () 작성일2008-12-08 01:17 조회719회 댓글1건


나의 친구들의 깊은 사랑과 우정어린 조문으로 우리 아버지는 추위가 오기 전에 평안하게 좋은 곳의로 떠나셨어요.  나의 감사의 인사를 미국에 있는 친구분들에게 쓴 이메일로 대신 할까 합니다.

Dear friends, This was my e-mail to my American friends, but I hope you will allow me to send it to you. Thank you.

My father passed away last Sunday, November 30th...
He has been sick and hospitalized many times in November.
When he was in the emergency room on 13th, the doctors warned me the final stage of my father.
But miraculously my father recovered after two weeks, and came back to his house on 28th, November.
He had a peaceful sleep on Saturday and enjoyed being back home.
But Sunday morning, on 30th he was very, very weak, and in the afternoon he passed away.
His final illness started on the day November fourth when my parents celebrated their 71st wedding anniversary.
I think my father waited for us to prepare his death.  He was really sick in bed for 2 weeks,
When we cremated him, even the weather was fine and not so cold. 
He was blessed with lots of visitors of friends of my brother, my sister, and me.
About 14 years ago,  my father and I listened to the music of Dvorjak, the New World.
When we reached the 2nd act, he said 'Going home'  is very beautiful and comforting.
He asked me that he will be happy to listen to it when he passed away.
So, we kept the promise. We turned the tune of 'Going Home' for three days.
I think he is now in peace!...  He will not have any more pain.  He will just find 'the New World' for himself.
My mother is alright.  She cries many times, but she knows she has to live alone from now on.
She is very, very brave and independent.  I arranged her house with a new bed this afternoon.
I think she will be happy again independently.
I am a little tired now, but soon I will go back to my regular life.
My father thanked me when I attended upon him at the hospital.
I thanked him much to give me the chance to be with him at his very difficult final stage of his life.
I love my father and he loves me, too.
Dear my friend, I love you, too.  Kyung-Ai.


이성윤님의 댓글

이성윤 이름으로 검색 작성일

  두분이 결혼 71주년을 함께 하셨다니 얼마나 복많은 분들이니? 또  부모님을 우리 나이까지 함께 모신 너는 또 얼마나 복많은 사람인지, 아버님을 애도하면서도 정말 네가 부럽다.  고잉홈을 틀어드린 것도 너무 멋있었어.

1969년 졸업 목록

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