Catholic Coffee > 1969년 졸업

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1969년 졸업

Catholic Coffee


Four Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee.
      The first Catholic man tells his friends, "My son is a priest, when he
walks into a room, everyone calls him 'Father'."
      The second Catholic man chirps, "My son is a Bishop. When he walks
into a room people call him 'Your Grace'."
      The third Catholic gent says, "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a
room everyone says 'Your Eminence'."
      The fourth Catholic man then says, "My son is the Pope. When he walks
into a room people call him 'Your Holiness'."
      Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the
four men give her a subtle, "Well.....?"
      She proudly replies, "I have a daughter, slim, tall, 38D breast, 24"
stomach, and 34" hips.

      When she walks into a room, people say, "Oh My God."
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