편지1 > 1962년 졸업

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정기호 이름으로 검색 작성일2003-06-27 12:59 조회1,723회 댓글2,475건


Dear friend, Kiho,
    How are getting along these days?  I do hope you and your family are in good health and of course our Jolly friends. 
    It has been passed just a week from Seoul and now I and my husband are in good condition. As  now it is the rainy season (they say that it is winter time), everyday in the afternoon we have a very heavy rain
(jangddebi).  Therefore, I could not go out for a walk around the park (there is a big park very near from our hotel).  I doubt if I can see the sun shine tomorrow morning, but I could see definetly the bright sun in the blue sky.  Can you imagine me whom sit in the bench with a cup of coffee beside the blue color swimming pool.  It is fantastic and romantic atmosphere to see the rainning.  Just at the time, I fell down in the nothing but a peaceful mind.  I could not express you all of my emotional feeling because of my short English knowledge. 
    My husband is very busy to analize the economic systerm and meet many peoples to hear the problems that he can help to overcome.
    I suppose that Samjin is now in Seoul and you will have a meeting together and give my best regards to all of them.
Even though our body is going to be old, we can overwhelm our pains  if we try eagerly to keep our strong mind control.
  Hoping hear from you, bye.      With affectionately yours,
                                                              Hyunup from Costa Rica


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1962년 졸업 목록

Total 499건 34 페이지
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영학회소개 개인정보취급방침 서비스이용약관 모바일 버전으로 보기 상단으로

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