편지2 > 1962년 졸업

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정기호 이름으로 검색 작성일2003-06-27 13:04 조회1,681회 댓글302건


Hi, my friend Kiho,
      It was the  great plreasure for me to hear from you  and to read the famous poems which reminded me of our old days in the college. You have really a good memory recalling old poems which we learned so many years ago. I envy you so much.  Muchas gratias. Ha, ha, ha....
When we  meet together, you are not chattering  much, but I know you have always deep, honest and loving mind. 
    Yesterday we went to the extint volcano that is about 40 kilometers  away from this hotel.  We were so pleased on our way to volcano to see many greens and small but beautiful and clean towns.On the way back to hotel, I visited the famous catholic church in the old capital city of the Costa Rica  named Maria Los Angele.  We were told that every 2nd of Aug. many people from the different countries come to take part in the praying and most of them could not get in the church because too many people were visiting the church.  I was very much impressed to see that many people  were praying down their knees in the central corridor and moved slowly toward the holy god. I hope you could be there some day in the near future.
    Hoping your good health, bye.        Affectionately,  Hyunup 


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1962년 졸업 목록

Total 499건 33 페이지
1962년 졸업 목록
번호 제목 글쓴이 작성일 조회
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